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total surplus中文是什么意思

用"total surplus"造句"total surplus"怎么读"total surplus" in a sentence


  • 总剩余


  • By far the largest counterpart to america ' s deficit today is the group of emerging oil exporters , which have moved from rough balance in 1997 to an estimated surplus of $ 425 billion this year ? much larger than emerging asia ' s total surplus of $ 250 billion
    迄今为止新兴石油输出国组织占据了对美盈余的“大头” ,这些国家在1997年对美贸易大致持平,到今年已经盈余4250亿美圆? ?崛起中的亚洲对美盈余总共也只有2500亿美圆,与前者相比要小的多。
  • Thirdly , the paper analyzes the reasons of un - balance of demand and supply from the aspect of quality and construction , and argues that the situation of demand and supply is characterized by total surplus and structural deficiency . t he large scale of population and the high rate of labor participation lead to that the total supply surpass the demand . the capital structure , the improving technology and capital - dominance industrialization way result in the deficient demand , so they become the key reasons of unbalance situation
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